2020 Know Your Government Forums
The Road Forward’s 2020 Know Your Government forums foster better understanding of how our government works at the local and state level. The speakers are dedicated professionals and public officials who serve on government's front lines. Candid insights and frank discussions are typical of each forum, and questions from the audience are integral to the conversation.
Watch the Know Your Government forums
We have paused our live forum series due to public health concerns, but thanks to Charlottesville Public Access TV, you can now watch the first three forums from home. Watch them here by clicking on the video screen for each forum below, or tune in to Comcast Channel 13 Mondays at 5:00 pm, Wednesdays at 3:00 pm and Saturdays at 4:00 pm., where the forums air in weekly rotation.
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Forum 1. Local Government:
Constitutional Foundations and Urban Policy
In this forum, a deeply engaged county attorney and a legal scholar discuss the unique structure and functions of Virginia local government, and shed light on its historical and constitutional roots. Such quirks as independent cities and counties, a ban on annexation and local revenue sharing are also clearly explained.
(Due to audio problems, some audience questions are not shown.)
Larry Davis
Albemarle County Attorney, 1994-2016
Richard Schragger
Perre Bowen Professor of Law
University of Virginia
Moderator: Sally Thomas
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors 1994 - 2009
Forum 2. Regionalism: Jurisdictions
Working Together for Effective Solutions
The Charlottesville region's record of cooperation, joint authorities and collaborative planning between city, county and university is the richest of any region in Virginia. This forum examines past, present and future collaborations and includes an insightful and entertaining conversation between City Councilor Heather Hill and Albemarle Supervisor Liz Palmer.
Colette Sheehy
Senior Vice President for Operations
University of Virginia
Chip Boyles
Executive Director
Thomas Jefferson Planning District Commission
Liz Palmer
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
Heather Hill
Charlottesville City Council
Moderated by Sally Thomas
Albemarle County Board of Supervisors
Forum 3. Law Enforcement
and the Criminal Justice System:
This forum starts with the basics of the criminal justice system -- what happens along the continuum from police investigation through charge, trial and sentencing -- as told by local leaders involved at each stage. The conversation then turns to local, state and federal reforms to eliminate disparities that have historically discriminated against marginalized and vulnerable populations.
Dr. RaShall Brackney
Charlottesville Chief of Police
Elizabeth Murtagh
Charlottesville-Albemarle Public Defender
Joe Platania
Charlottesville Commonwealth's Attorney
Moderated by Jim Hingeley
Albemarle County Commonwealth's Attorney